Online tool to prepare and share hikes
PHP refactoring, geographical computations
Client :
- The client is an important player in the hikes online planning and sharing domain.
- Analyse et refactor PHP legacy code (no framework).
- Propose technical solutions to simplify and improve existing code.
- Propose solutions to implement new geographical computation algorithms.
Completed Tasks:
- Code refactoring: use Composer, add namespaces, use PHP-DI, upgrade to PHP 7, add acceptance tests, add database migration system, compatibility with PSR-2, PSR-3, PSR-4, PSR-11...
- Compute similarity rate between 2 GPS tracks.
- Improve existing site: add functionality, fix problems, improve performances.
- Develop a custom CLI tool for the site.
- Setup a development environment with Vagrant and Ansible.
Geographical computations
In short
Refactor legacy PHP code
Geographical computations
Add new functionalities